June 2019
If you are a senior consultant with a top-notch reputation in coformance with any of the below key expert profiles, we would like to hear from you. Please email us at: [email protected]
Feasibility Study for Additional Climate Adaptation Infrastructure including Climate Risk Assessment and
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Project Executing Agency (PEA): Khulna City Corporation (KCC), represented by KfW
Penidng Measures: Under the “CCAUD Phase II – Khulna Component” project, the German Financial Cooperation intends to finance additional climate adaption infrastructure in the city of Khulna. The budget available for the project is estimated to be around EUR 30 million. The Services shall however develop detailed investment proposals for a notional budget (including possible co-financing and/or a further phase) in the order of around EUR 60 - 70 million, with a concept for phasing according to available budget.
Based on Khulna City Corporation (KCC)´s and KfW´s current understanding of local climate vulnerability and possible climate adaption measures, the final recommended measures supported under Project are likely to focus on improvements to the urban storm-water drainage network and other flood protection measures. Other/alternative measures include e.g. design and drainage improvements to further access roads in the city and/or similar improvements to key market, other commercial or public sites. Priority measures shall be proposed by the Consultant based on the findings in the first phase of the Services.
Services: The Services are for a Feasibility Study, which, among others, (i) reviews and reality-checks existing urban development plans and data, (ii) carries out a Climate Risk Assessment analysis of the Project Area, (iii) identifies a wide range of suitable climate adaption measures / interventions, and, (iv) following a more detailed analysis and prioritisation, (v) further studies and prepares prioritized climate adaptation measures to feasibility level for further assessment for support through KfW. The Services will also include full Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) of the final recommended priority measures as well as additional preparatory and capacity building services.
Key Expert Profiles: Expertise in Climate Risk Assessments and related Climate Change Adaptation measures and infrastructure (focus on drainage, flood / erosion protection) in an urban environment shall be complimented by a proven track record in financial & economic analysis of investment measures in context of IFI procedures implemented by bilateral and/or multilateral development organisations. Expertise in institutional appraisals including municipal financial management and infrastructure O&M as well as Environmental & Social Impact Assessments based on applicable international IFI standards (WB Safeguards / KfW Sustainability Guideline) is required. The Consultant shall have experience in working in a conflict-sensitive environment and with conflict-sensitive issues, community participation and poor concepts. Previous project-specific experience in Bangladesh and/or the South Asian region will be considered an additional asset.
If you are a senior consultant with a top-notch reputation in coformance with any of the below key expert profiles, we would like to hear from you. Please email us at: [email protected]
Feasibility Study for Additional Climate Adaptation Infrastructure including Climate Risk Assessment and
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
Project Executing Agency (PEA): Khulna City Corporation (KCC), represented by KfW
Penidng Measures: Under the “CCAUD Phase II – Khulna Component” project, the German Financial Cooperation intends to finance additional climate adaption infrastructure in the city of Khulna. The budget available for the project is estimated to be around EUR 30 million. The Services shall however develop detailed investment proposals for a notional budget (including possible co-financing and/or a further phase) in the order of around EUR 60 - 70 million, with a concept for phasing according to available budget.
Based on Khulna City Corporation (KCC)´s and KfW´s current understanding of local climate vulnerability and possible climate adaption measures, the final recommended measures supported under Project are likely to focus on improvements to the urban storm-water drainage network and other flood protection measures. Other/alternative measures include e.g. design and drainage improvements to further access roads in the city and/or similar improvements to key market, other commercial or public sites. Priority measures shall be proposed by the Consultant based on the findings in the first phase of the Services.
Services: The Services are for a Feasibility Study, which, among others, (i) reviews and reality-checks existing urban development plans and data, (ii) carries out a Climate Risk Assessment analysis of the Project Area, (iii) identifies a wide range of suitable climate adaption measures / interventions, and, (iv) following a more detailed analysis and prioritisation, (v) further studies and prepares prioritized climate adaptation measures to feasibility level for further assessment for support through KfW. The Services will also include full Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) of the final recommended priority measures as well as additional preparatory and capacity building services.
Key Expert Profiles: Expertise in Climate Risk Assessments and related Climate Change Adaptation measures and infrastructure (focus on drainage, flood / erosion protection) in an urban environment shall be complimented by a proven track record in financial & economic analysis of investment measures in context of IFI procedures implemented by bilateral and/or multilateral development organisations. Expertise in institutional appraisals including municipal financial management and infrastructure O&M as well as Environmental & Social Impact Assessments based on applicable international IFI standards (WB Safeguards / KfW Sustainability Guideline) is required. The Consultant shall have experience in working in a conflict-sensitive environment and with conflict-sensitive issues, community participation and poor concepts. Previous project-specific experience in Bangladesh and/or the South Asian region will be considered an additional asset.