GET.invest is a European program aiming at mobilizing private sector investments and at supporting projectproponents (private as well as any other actors, e.g. community-based developers, NGO/CSO) to get theirinvestment proposals ready for financing as fast as possible.
It draws on the experiences of its predecessor, the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme(RECP), while further streamlining its advisory portfolio and extending its services globally.
The services of GET.invest are structured into 2 broader areas:
— private sector mobilization (thereby generating additional project ideas), and
— pipeline development (thereby increasing the number of bankable projects).
The objective of the assignment is to improve the quality of project proposals and support proponents ofdecentralized renewable energy projects to the point that they are taken up by financiers.
Specific tasks that are delivered in the context of the GET.invest programme:
— Task 1: initial clarification of the assignment: briefing on the assignment and clarification of key aspects, inparticular through a physical 2-day meeting in Brussels. Deliverable: inception report.
— Task 2: improved description of the FC: enhancement of the description of the support rendered through thefinance catalyst on the central GET.invest website. Deliverable: description of the FC.
— Task 3: improvement and maintenance of FC website: Enhancement of other sections of the website towardsgreater user-friendliness and clarity, as well as continuous maintenance of the website content. This refers tocontent only; the actual IT (web-design, etc.) services are rendered by a specialised service provider madeavailable separately by GET.invest. Deliverable: improved FC website.
— Task 4: online application tool: improvement of the online application tool.
Deliverable: improved online application tool.
— Task 5: project acquisition: mobilisation of potential projects through network, partners and other, relatedGET.invest services, such as B2B-events. Deliverable: see task 7
— Task 6: project selection: selection of applicants for further advisory support, based on the standardisedprocess applicable under the GET.invest finance catalyst, including feedback to unsuccessful applicants. Deliverable: see task 7
— Task 7: provision of support to projects: the key service, i.e. the actual provision of advisory support by seniorexperts as well as specialists to projects that have successfully applied. This may include the organisation ofthematic workshops in the partner countries. Deliverable: project pipeline
— Task 8: provide inputs at the interface with other support modalities provided by GET.invest: from the advisoryto projects, the experts are requested to identify additional support needs that can be provided by other, relatedGET.invest support modalities, such as support to regulators.
Deliverable: arising needs for other support modalities identified
— Task 9: update the funding database: continuous update of the existing GET.invest database of fundinginstruments.
Deliverable: updated funding database
— Task 10: communication: in close cooperation and under guidance of GET.invest, provide information as abasis for GET.invest communication, and on occasion communicate directly. Deliverable: see Task 11
— Task 11: documentation, monitoring and knowledge management: maintain a thorough documentation andmonitoring system that allows to track project progress as well as inputs and notably also experiences andlessons learnt,
— deliverables: ad-hoc inputs, presentations, status reports, insight papers
The ToR include several special agreements that outline the potential for amendments and scaling-up of theassignment, as additional funding becomes available and potentially further requirements arise from GET.investcontributors.
It draws on the experiences of its predecessor, the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme(RECP), while further streamlining its advisory portfolio and extending its services globally.
The services of GET.invest are structured into 2 broader areas:
— private sector mobilization (thereby generating additional project ideas), and
— pipeline development (thereby increasing the number of bankable projects).
The objective of the assignment is to improve the quality of project proposals and support proponents ofdecentralized renewable energy projects to the point that they are taken up by financiers.
Specific tasks that are delivered in the context of the GET.invest programme:
— Task 1: initial clarification of the assignment: briefing on the assignment and clarification of key aspects, inparticular through a physical 2-day meeting in Brussels. Deliverable: inception report.
— Task 2: improved description of the FC: enhancement of the description of the support rendered through thefinance catalyst on the central GET.invest website. Deliverable: description of the FC.
— Task 3: improvement and maintenance of FC website: Enhancement of other sections of the website towardsgreater user-friendliness and clarity, as well as continuous maintenance of the website content. This refers tocontent only; the actual IT (web-design, etc.) services are rendered by a specialised service provider madeavailable separately by GET.invest. Deliverable: improved FC website.
— Task 4: online application tool: improvement of the online application tool.
Deliverable: improved online application tool.
— Task 5: project acquisition: mobilisation of potential projects through network, partners and other, relatedGET.invest services, such as B2B-events. Deliverable: see task 7
— Task 6: project selection: selection of applicants for further advisory support, based on the standardisedprocess applicable under the GET.invest finance catalyst, including feedback to unsuccessful applicants. Deliverable: see task 7
— Task 7: provision of support to projects: the key service, i.e. the actual provision of advisory support by seniorexperts as well as specialists to projects that have successfully applied. This may include the organisation ofthematic workshops in the partner countries. Deliverable: project pipeline
— Task 8: provide inputs at the interface with other support modalities provided by GET.invest: from the advisoryto projects, the experts are requested to identify additional support needs that can be provided by other, relatedGET.invest support modalities, such as support to regulators.
Deliverable: arising needs for other support modalities identified
— Task 9: update the funding database: continuous update of the existing GET.invest database of fundinginstruments.
Deliverable: updated funding database
— Task 10: communication: in close cooperation and under guidance of GET.invest, provide information as abasis for GET.invest communication, and on occasion communicate directly. Deliverable: see Task 11
— Task 11: documentation, monitoring and knowledge management: maintain a thorough documentation andmonitoring system that allows to track project progress as well as inputs and notably also experiences andlessons learnt,
— deliverables: ad-hoc inputs, presentations, status reports, insight papers
The ToR include several special agreements that outline the potential for amendments and scaling-up of theassignment, as additional funding becomes available and potentially further requirements arise from GET.investcontributors.