* * * Qualified? Apply Now. Decision by 3 February 2021 * * *
Applications shall comprise
Please Note: Only pre-qualified candidates will be contacted by us after review of applications.
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Project Background
In support of a national electricity access platform, development partners are working with the competent national authority in this target Southeast Asian country on various types of technical support including institutional, regulatory and enviro-social impact management capacity building at national and sub-national levels.
The Financial Management Expert will support the set up and maintenance of financial management systems and assist with preparation of Financial Management Report and others relevant documents from relevant authorities (Department under the competent Ministry), as required by the financing partners/IFIs for appraisal of the country's energy access programme.
Project Duration
Approximately 5 months of input over 6 month period tentatively starting April 2021. Working days may be extended as agreed from time to time. Remote work for each task/assignment possible with agreement from Department. Payments is made based on an 8 hour max working day, or part thereof.
Required Expert Profile
Applications shall comprise
- CV (adapted to take into account the project needs and "Required Expert Profile")
- Copy of university diplomas and any other professional certificates and evidence/publications/reports showcasing your qualifications and experience as relevant to this assignment
- Indication of most competitive daily rate range in USD
- Optional: Cover letter, contact information for relevant reference persons
Please Note: Only pre-qualified candidates will be contacted by us after review of applications.
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Project Background
In support of a national electricity access platform, development partners are working with the competent national authority in this target Southeast Asian country on various types of technical support including institutional, regulatory and enviro-social impact management capacity building at national and sub-national levels.
The Financial Management Expert will support the set up and maintenance of financial management systems and assist with preparation of Financial Management Report and others relevant documents from relevant authorities (Department under the competent Ministry), as required by the financing partners/IFIs for appraisal of the country's energy access programme.
- Prepare Financial Management Reports and documents as required by the IFI for appraisal of the programme
- Review existing financial management practices toward improvement thereto in the context of other development assistance
- Undertake needed internal control for accountability for qualifying expenses
- Give advice on existing financial manuals and related documents
- Support preparation of annual programme of work and budge with subsidiary funds requirement projections, as required
- Train financial staff of the Department on topic such as budget, disbursements, pay requests, liquidations, reporting, accounting software application
- Assist the Departments Finance division in working with subnational levels to manage finances for off-grid electricity access, e.g., payments, accounting records/reports
- Support counting of fixed assets to assure accuracy of asset registry
- Support preparation of ongoing financial reports, financial statements and bank reconciliations as required
- Facilitate audits of the Project by the Office by auditing authorities
- Support progress report preparation
- Help select and oversee contract for Auditing Firm for sub-components
- Reinforce links between activity plans/budgets of different development projects addressed by the Department, as required
- Support oversight and realisation of constantly improved financial management across projects and Department
- Review the project costs and benefits stakeholder allocation
- Support drafting of departmental Performance Reports for development partners and planning Ministry
- Evaluate manual record keeping and asses computerisation potential in view of different compliance needs and stipulations
- Assist other financial management needs as needed
- Financial management reports and/or other documents requested for IFI appraisal the platform
- Appropriate manual of financial management, as required
- Consolidated Working Plans, Budgets, where required
- Report on financial computerisation within the department
- Other, as linked to additional needs
Project Duration
Approximately 5 months of input over 6 month period tentatively starting April 2021. Working days may be extended as agreed from time to time. Remote work for each task/assignment possible with agreement from Department. Payments is made based on an 8 hour max working day, or part thereof.
Required Expert Profile
- Globally recognised professional accounting qualifications (proof, such as diplomas/certificates, to be provided)
- Previous experience in similar assignments, ideally within Southeast Asia, or in other regions
- No less than 10 years experience in accounting and financial management
- Experience in financial management Training and Capacity Building
- Experience with accounting software (set up, use)
- Experience working with IFI financed projects
- Experience with financial management documents and preparation reports to World Bank funded projects
- Generally superior computer and Excel capabilities